Tuesday, November 18, 2003

W00T~! Radio! Alex was missing today though, so I went solo. Future situations sans Alex may feature the one, the only, the incredible Ozga (the one who's a narc), just to give us a far-right wing perspective for me to react to in frightend ways. But today went okay. The rant is of excellent quality, but the news section suffered without Alex. This one's archived already, due to my fabulous oulining-show-during-musical-interludes ability. To your right, you'll not the new links to our '03-'04 Albatross Archives, furnished specially for this occasion, and other occasions on which we do a show. There's a "lost show" that still needs to be outlined; that'll be up soon, too.

And guess who's up to three NHS events? Me, that's who! And probably several others. Peter has five, due to some unexpected accounting of events. He's just that serviceable. Anyway, today I proctored the grade school science contest. The future is in safe hands, folks, at least witht the kids of GB Middle School, whom I found reasonably cool.

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