Sunday, November 23, 2003

Seriously, Alex, Me = Button. End of discussion. So please, I don’t want to spend every post refuting your wild accusations.

For the love of God, people, do not make any attempts to translate what Alex said in his last post. That way lies madness.

Moving on. Concert for Cows was awesome. W00T~! Slajhammer! Scharpf, whom I have no clever name for! But it was cool. Me and Julio, Brown-eyed Girl, Blackbird, Norwegian Wood, and lots of other good songs. And the finale of American Pie, which provoked singing-along and dancing in the aisles.

Nick Kohout knows his way around a fire, and has a large umbrella in his pants.

On that note, apparently I sometimes insert too many innuendos into my conversation. I will try to reduce such unwanted insertions. Starting just after that last one.

Today’s number is Three.

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