Friday, March 28, 2008

Never ever do business with Virgin Mobile.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

Dead Reckoning
Well, I'm not dead yet. CS is really becoming a bit of a death march. Our assignment: draw shadows on a heightfield based on some angle of the sun. Seems simple enough, right? Took three people 20 hours. I wrote the drawing functions, while Rob and Alex engaged in a lively debate on how the fuck the math was supposed to work. Also, it did not help that the professor did not write useful code, and in fact had to extend the project from Wednesday to Friday, after realizing Wednesday morning that he could not complete the assignment, because his code was fatally broken.

But yes, those are how shadows should look on Puget Sound with the sun shining from the northwest.

-Loot is a play about British people doing unconscionable things. As a result, it is entertaining. Also Zach (my former roommate) and Joel (my current roommate) played major roles.

-For spring break, I am travelling from Atlanta to Chicago by car. First stop: Ty Cobb's grave (Jason's idea. I'll consider spitting on it. Ty Cobb was a dick.)

-I have considered revising my aesthetic principles. Currently, I hypothesize that the two most important factors in art are beauty (truth-based) and comedy (falsehood-based). That is, comedy is funny because it is cleverly wrong, and beauty represents soemthing fundamentally true. I realized I've missed entire genres here, most majorly horror, which I will guess is based on the "uncanny valley" principle, or a balancing point between truth and falsehood. Furthermore I'll postulate that good horror-related art is that which disturbs us in some valuable way.

Anyway, you can see how it increases the complexity to have points of excellence in the middle as well as at the extremes.

-Finally, I have disposable income. Now if only I had time to spend it. At least tech support will never go out of style.