Saturday, November 22, 2003

If their was ever a person who was so NOT a button, it would definately be Pat. I'm afraid that this argument is going to tear the threesome apart, so we should stop talking about it. Because, as I said before...Pat is not a button.

I stand by my statement that Pat would like to make love to a bear...perferablly a black one, denn Pat hat eine grosse, schwarze, schoene schwanz.

For those of you who understand German, you are no doubt now emotionally disturbed and huddled in a corner rocking back and forth. Therefore, I encourage to direct your attention to the topic of dancing squirrels...they always make things better.

I don't know how many of the people who read this blog are familiar with the ways of Chinese medicine. I just dove into the subject a week ago. My thoughts about it so far are:
-Acupuncture feels kinda wierd...but kinda good.
-Herbal pills taste nasty if they remain on your tounge for any extended period of time.
-I don't like tea.

In other news, tomacco was invented. That's right, some wacked out scientist in Oregon was crazy enough to try and breed a tomato plant with a tobbacco plant and was successfull on his second try. Unfortunately, what the Simpsons didn't tell us is that, when ingested, nicotine is fatal in relativly small amounts. The scientist thinks each piece of tomacco would contain several fatal doses. I always feel uncomfortable when science creates something that the Simpsons made up as a gag involving plutonium.

I have the present-wrapping ability of a blind monkey with three fingers.

I have the present-rapping ability of a white guy from the suburbs.

The most ironical thing that I discovered of the past week was that, in German, the word Funk means radio. Cosmic.

"Wachya talkin' 'bout everyone"

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