Thursday, February 12, 2004

You know what's awesome these days? People starting to seriously question George W's past and present. Every time there's another report about those missing dates in his National Guard service or everytime a columnist writes about how they feel betrayed and the Iraq war mess makes them sick, I get a little more hopeful. Until someone digs up a scandal on Kerry, or until his wife says something bad and kills his campaign, things aren't looking all that bad. Just cross your fingers and stuff the ballot box (hey, they encourage multiple votes on American Idol and I've always said our government should be run more like a TV show).

So, how 'bout those Haitians? I think that instead of worrying about some arbatrary comment made in GTA: Vice City (a video game, mind you) they should concentrate more on the bloody coup happening in their own country. So what if Rockstar claims the Cubans want to "kill the Haitians", when Haitians are killing Haitians, I think you've got a bigger problem on your hands.

In other news, that big "helping" quiz in English class blew big time. So much for boosting our grades. Now we need another quiz to help us out of that quiz's poor performance. That class is becoming too ridiculous for words. Let's just say that I know people who are getting a 33%. (No, it's not me.) Madness.

On the afternoon of the fifth day look towards the's a long weekend! I suggested a road trip to Oberlin, but Pat is quite the skeptic. He figures we'll die horrible deaths before we even reach Ohio. Oh well, he's probably right.

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