Monday, February 09, 2004

Sheesh...Kate's taking three martial arts out Patrick.

John Kerry wins two more primaries and grinds the opposition further under his foot. As far as I'm concerned, the Democratic Primaries are over. Kerry wins. Now everyone support him.

So, I didn't actually go to turn-a-bout, but I was around for the after party at Dick's Last Resort. Good times indeed. Nothing like a waiter who pretends he's drunk and stoned purely for the amusement of the group. And silly hats...let's not forget those. It was a lot of fun.

Hopefully there will be radio show madness tommorow and we can make witty comments about the current state of society. And I can also unleash my John Swift-esque plan to eat babies. (A Modest Proposal was probably the most amusing thing we've read in English all year.)

And in the end, aren't we all just gooey spheres of anti-matter?

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