Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Good News: I'm going to be the RA for the building in which I'm currently living. Better news: it's a smaller building, and it's a program house, even better news: not only do I get a open double room and all its furniture, I also get a my own bathroom!!!!!!WHOOO!!!

Pat would have a great time with Jane Eyre- my favorite book of all time. Stay away from the moors. - bad things happen on the moors.

I don't know about Pat flunking out in a month. Pat's kind of like an underdog that way, even though its his own bloody fault, and he should not do it; you still kind of want to him to win in the end. I don't know how he does it but, he does. Although, he may not always be able to pull it off, but he hasn't gotten nailed with it yet, which is what amazes me and he's been doing this since he started school. I guess that by this point, one doesn't want Pat to lose because it has gone on so long that he'll only lose big.

Because the first thing I think of when I think about Lent is party. Why paganism went out I will never understand. ever, it was soo much cooler.

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