Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Yep. Nothing I like more than religious fundamentalism, poor educational standards, latent racism, and humidity. Kate, however, really doesn't like California. It's sad really, what with silicon valley being there and all. But I keep telling her that northern California is the calmer, gayer part of the state (not that there's anything wrong with that). And there's gold in them thar hills! Gold! erm, anyway, there's nothing wrong with the Northeast. I just think John Kerry is boring. And Edwards announced his candidacy on the Daily Show, which proves he still has a soul. I mean, Kerry is better than Gephardt or Lieberman, but he's pretty meh. Clark would have been cool, but apparently he's just not a very good campaigner. That's an angle of politics that he hasn't had any experience with.

Anyway, going back to that bit about the gay part of California, Ohio is in the process of passing the most stringent anti-gay law in the country, specifically denying marriage, civil unions and any associated benefits to gay couples in the state. One of the better quotes about the defense of marriage though:

"The institution of marriage is not in imminent danger. It survived Henry VIII and it even survived Lorena Bobbitt," said state Rep. Michael Skindell, a Democrat. "This is a message against gays and lesbians that is unacceptable and should not be sanctioned."

Heehee. Bobbitt.

And with that, I'm off to first period.

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