Saturday, February 21, 2004

A vignette by Kate, coauthored by Pat

Where we left off: Alex had just posted that

"Speaking of Pat: He recieved a Valentine from Kate yesterday, via Elle. It said "You are loved" in German.......however, it DIDN'T say "I love you". The phrase "you are loved" could be refering to anyone. Kate could have been talking about Pat's Mom or Peter Tutanes. The whole thing seems very fishy to me. There's also the fact that it was in German (a language Pat does NOT speak) as opposed to Latin or English (languages Pat DOES speak). In my opinion, Kate's cheating on Pat with a heavy-set, bearded, leather-wearing biker dude. Pat's only chance to win her back is to face him in the circle of death (and Pat hasn't had much luck with that lately). "

the vignette starts:

zingerkca: have you seen what Alex has posted on the blog yet
Gondolin60: yeah
zingerkca: k
Gondolin60: soooo, what's his name?
zingerkca: Juanb
zingerkca: shit Juan
zingerkca: can't spell
Gondolin60: no, no... Juanb has more character.
Gondolin60: heavy-set, bearded, leather-wearing biker dudes can't spell either, so it works out.
zingerkca: that's true. he's unique. and I love unique, so Juanb it is
Gondolin60: Then I must swear vengeance on this "Juanb"!
zingerkca: or banuj
zingerkca: or junba
Gondolin60: junba is a girl's fake name.
zingerkca: how do you know
Gondolin60: cause it ends with a. It's feminine.
zingerkca: or bunja
zingerkca: or cowa bunja
Gondolin60: no heavy-set, bearded, leather-wearing biker dude could have that name. The constant mockery would kill him.
zingerkca: its made him strong;-)
Gondolin60: But emotionally hidden. You'll never tear down the walls around his true self.
zingerkca: how do you know!!!!
Gondolin60: because... he is my long-lost half-brother! Dun-dun-DUN!
zingerkca: Oh MY GOD
Gondolin60: YES!
zingerkca: NO!!!!!!. Then I don't know whose baby????
Gondolin60: WHAT!?
zingerkca: I"M PREGNANT BUT I DONT KNOW BY WHO!!!!!(sob)
Gondolin60: GASP!
Gondolin60: BUT HOW?! WHEN?!
zingerkca: (faints dead away)
Gondolin60: --tune in next week for the exciting conclusion!-- has Pat become a member of the criminal underground?--will Kate find out whose baby it is? and is Casey in league with Juanb to take over the world? Find out next week!!!!

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