Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Well it's Tuesday everyone and you know what that means.....RADIO SHOW! That's correct, Pat and I made our triumphant return to radio this morning with a fabulous show that covered topics ranging from Iowa to obesity to woolly breasts. It contained all the Madness that you'd expect from the Albatross Hour coupled with some Beatles for good measure.

The fact that it is Tuesday also means that I leave for Kairos, which I'm sure will be full of naked midgety goodness. After being gone for three months, I come back to school for one day and then leave for a retreat that night....sounds like a plan to me!

The fact that it is Tuesday also means that the State of the Union will be given tonight, which I'm sure will be full of naked midgety goodness. President Bush is set to give the most boring address ever. He already blew his A material on Mars and the Moon last week and he's technically not allowed to threaten any more nations, since America is basically out of army. This means he can't bully North Korea, and any State of the Union that doesn't involve bullying foreign countries just isn't worth watching.

The fact that it is Tuesday also means that the Iowa caucuses concluded last night. I have learned three things from the whole event:
1) Old white farmers have the power to crush the hopes and dreams of Dick Gephart
2) Not even finishing behind "Undecided" can crush the hopes and dreams of Dennis Kucinich
3) The caucus system is totally bogus
Now it's on to New Hampshire. If anyone would like to know who I've endorsed for Democratic Presidential Canidate......listen to the radio show. (I'll give you a hint: His name is the opposite of Dullton)

Well that's all from this colon-less cripple.

Peace and Joy.

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