Thursday, January 29, 2004

Just to make sure that politics is thoroughly beaten into the ground for the week.

My Democratic primary 2004:

Kerry: His campaign people barely got his act together in time for the Iowa Caucus. barely. really, barely. I have a lot of trouble actually hearing Kerry and the tone of his voice is annoying, he always sounds like he's about ready to yawn and he escapes from a monotone. Still, he's a classy guy and clearly knows the issues.

Howie and the Deaniacs (I love Doonsbury, what a perfect word): It's nice he can yell and be dramatic, with qualifications like those he and my younger sibling could have quite the ticket. Lucky for all of us, presidential elec tions are not simply loud drama contests. I have always thought that govenors of small, idiosyncratic states are truly the best comentators on foreign policy, because as we all know Foreign policy is the biggest issue affecting Vermont these days. That and maple syrup.
There's not much point talking about how we shouldn't be going to war either- hello, we've been there for a year already. Let's try yelling about how we plan to resolve the occupation situation and rebuilding issues of Iraq and Afghanistan. Behind the yelling is a fundamental lack of substance.

Edwards: Vote for me I look like Bobby Kennedy. For me, it's not Edwards as a person, it's the south. I just can't stomach listening to the accent. And I vote down the Sunbelt, it's a policy thing. Four years of every time he opens his mouth and being reminded that Alabama is still a part of the US is just not something that I can handle. I am not strong enough.

Joe Lieberman: drop out already

Wesley Clark: What a telegenic man. It's a shame that he entered so late. At this point I hope Kerry takes him for vp. Great speaker.

Al Sharpton: Best debate quotes ever. Should so be beating Lieberman, Edwards, and Kucinich.

Kucinich: He's nuts. really. In his last out of body experience he was an almond. And yet he beats Al Sharpton- proving once again that there is no justice

Germany looks better everyday

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