Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Pat predicts radio show--radio show never happens. Pat=bad luck.
Actually, the weather is more to blame for our radio show woes. So much snow.... I would have made it to the show on time, but right before we left for school my old man decides to shovel the walk. Madness.

As far as the sex poetry in English, that's true. Except I think it was "Let's have wild wild Mexican sex."

So anyway, on Saturday Pat went to Lalos and had one too many margaritas. He started hitting on the waitress and tried to impress her with his taco eating skills. Unfortunately, she turned down his propasition because he picked off the tomatoes. That resulted in Pat missing out on some wild wild Mexican sex of his own.

I'll leave it up to you to decide how many of the above statements were lies.

Banua looks like it might not be that bad. Just don't hold me to that. I just wanted to remind everyone to skank in the aisles during the ska band's preformance. For a demonstration on skanking, see Joe "My Dad's a Pirate" O'Conner.

That's really all I have to say for now. Go Jesus!

With Deepest Insanity,

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