Friday, January 23, 2004

Well it's true...I have returned from Kairos. JOY~! and such. It was good times, not life altering times mind you, but good times. The "special" brownies were the best part. Mmmmm....mind altering.

I don't know what Kate's talking about with this whole Democratic candidate thing. I already said that I'm endorsing Al Sharpton and I won't recind that statement unless he drops out of the race. He's the only candidate with universal healthcare coverage. However unrealistic that is, it's still awesome. Plus he went on Real-Time with Bill Mahr (instead of partcipating in the Iowa caucuses) and bashed the crazy Republican guest that were there.

There are way too many distracting things going on in the library right now for me to really say anything else intelligent in this post so I shall leave you now.


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