Saturday, April 02, 2005

So, I realized that I haven't blogged it up in awhile, so I thought I throw you all a bone. Besides, Pat's incoherent babbling is getting frightning, and that's no way to run a blog. I sincerely doubt that the man is capable of coming up with anything coherent these days. But it's all good.

Therefore...onto the blogging about events not directly related to P.J.'s love life:
As some of you may know, Grinnell has a trend for obscenely long breaks, which means that I go back to school tomorrow (a week after everyone else left town). During this lovely extra week, I was fortunate enough to have time to continue plowing through the Beatles Anthology and see some truly quality films. The first was Million Dollar Baby. It's been out for awhile, but I managed to catch it at the Lake, and I thought I should see what all the hub-bub was about. I must admit that the hype is justified. Clint Eastwood sure can make a good movie. I'm not going to spoil the ending just in case some of you haven't seen it, but it's powerful stuff. (P.S. Pat, if you are still haven't seen this movie and are currently operating under the notion that it's about foxxxy boxing, you are going to be sorely disapointed).

I also managed to see Aviator the week before that, so I was able to compare the two since they were really the only ones competeing for all those Acadamy Awards. If you ask me, Million Dollar Baby wins. I blame Coppola for forgetting to put a plot-line into Aviator.

Last night, I went to see Sin City. Now, I was operating under the preconcieved notion that I was about to witness the most pretentious movie ever made. (My father, however, pointed out that the Matrix movies take the prize in that category). I must say that I was pleased with the way the film turned out, as it is a truly rightious return to noir. And I also have a heap of newfound respect for Mickey Rourke. Now, Ebert gave this movie 4 stars. I'd say that's probably one-half or one too many. Sin City is highly entertaining and doesn't try to take itself too seriously. It is certainly original, while still keeping faithful to the comics and the film noir genre. Still, when you compare it to other 4-star films (such as Million Dollar Baby), you can see where it falls a bit short.

Quality stuff overall, though.

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