Tuesday, April 26, 2005

There comes a time when a man must cease worrying about any potentially difficult decisions he will potentially make at some point, and enjoy the simple things in life, such things as 200+ metal microfilm reels, or a bulky old PA system that rquires 8-ohm speakers…

Yes indeed, there was more dumpster diving yesterday, this time with the end result of several people in our house having better chairs than the standard wooden college desk chairs. Shu looks even creepier than usual now that he has a big high-backed leather chair to sit in. I grabbed a large box of microfilm wheel, just in case I need 200 or so metal reels at some point. And Zach took the library’s old PA system, which could apparently be used effectively as an amp if we got a microphone and some big speakers.

Which, of course, all had to be explained to the prospie, as well as rearranged so he could actually sleep somewhere. However, despite the fact that nothing is actually happening here on Monday nights, we managed to show him a good time. We showed him one of things we have that Yale (his other choice) clearly doesn’t have: Harold’s Chicken Shack. And much delicious fired chicken was eaten by all, and I got a remarkable amount of grease on my shirt with the first bite. Thereafter was a viewing of The Big Lebowski and a game of poker.

And so, in theory, I have work to do. Although I maintain that the things which absolutely must be done are usually the least important things. Ah, well.

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