Thursday, March 18, 2004

On a similiar note: a rant by Kate

Dennis Kucinich will destroy us all.

From the birth place of avant garde, I'm very tired over here of hearing about Dennis Kucinich is so wonderful, and how he should be president

A summary of my thoughts on the matter:
1.Dennis Kucinich is an idiot.
Electing Dennis Kunich would destroy the U.S. economy, followed closely by the world economy. Apoclapse
2.All people who protest against free trade and NAFTA are idiots.

Boy, days like today make me so glad to be out of highschool.
It would have killed me to sit there and watch that performance today.
I would have been willing to pay money to be the one who answers the questions though.

Student: Why does God make gay people?
Kate: Why not? Gay men who actually come out of the closet are a joy to the world. So neat, so tidy, so well coiffed; they make the world a better place in so many different ways.

Second of all, it's just a thing, a simple matter of preference. I'm Buddhist, Betty is Jewish. Susy likes women, Carrie likes men, and Miranda likes everybody and squrrils. That's the way the cookie crumbles and that's why we have PETA.

Ah, Catholicism, you would think that with all their past huge messups they would work on taking the beam out of their own eye before going after anybody else but no. For all the hats, jewelry and tassels- that never occurs to anyone.

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