Monday, March 14, 2005

Sweet Zombie Jesus! I’m alive!

Also, when the snow is insanely fluffy like it is now, it’s easy to catch it on your tongue.

I wrote probably the best social science paper I’ve written this quarter in just over three hours.


Oh man, did I need that pickup. You can only spend so many days straight on frantic academic effort before the burnout sets in (or the Death Flu, in my case). I’m really looking forward to hitting some double-digit sleep in the near future. And emerging from social semi-isolation (er… except for the fencing party).

And finally, I must laud and heap with praise all those involved in UT’s production of The Crucible, AKA that play that I watched immediately before the Death Flu set in. Contrast with illness only improves theatre. And what marvelous theatre it was. Witch hunts are intense, especially when you know the psychotic bitch who’s trying to kill everybody, and the self-righteous bastard of a judge that’s letting it happen – also, the wobbly drunken comic relief character. But really, they’re great people. The drunk one would be Zach, for those of you playing along at home in “how often will the word ‘drunk’ occur in the same sentence as Zach?” game).

And so, though I am not doing anything particularly impressive over spring break, well, I’m rather fond of breathing room. I will be chilling somewhere in the vicinity of Chicago for the time being (I don’t have to go home till the end of the week).

Mind, I have no idea how I made it through this quarter. I promise, at some point soon, someone will prove to me that I have no idea how to live, and that pure, random guesswork is all that keep my heart beating. But now I’m just being needlessly metaphorical.

Half-giddy, half-exhausted,

Ladies and gentlemen, Jackson Browne!

Running on - running on empty
Running on - running blind
Running on - running into the sun
But I’m running behind

Yeah, and happy Pi Day everyone, just to prove I am still geeky enough to go here.

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