Sunday, March 13, 2005

I know I've said my life was boring, but the Death Flu? Man, the Death Flu is not an acceptable way of adding spice to my life.

Alright, the flu that I have is not deadly to my knowledge, but that’s what we’ve been calling all the diseases which seem to be sweeping the University. I’d forgotten how unpleasant vomiting is; distinctly un-fun, although fortunately I only had to deal with one episode. And chills, those are distinctly unpleasant too. The Death Flu shattered my temperature regulation to the point where I had to huddle under blankets after drinking a large quantity of cold water.

Of course, the three days before the death flu were a clinic in how to shatter my immune system. So, I’d been up late for a couple nights finishing my Comp Sci final project, with minimal sleep (10-ish over two days), and then there was the fencing party.

Now, the fencing party was quality: much insanity, much brilliance, moderate amounts of alcohol, and an occasional reference to naked wrestling. Also, Dictionary is a fantastic game. For example:

Verbigeration –
“the constant or obsessive repetition of meaningless words or phrases”
“The untimely arrival if a very big object in one’s location, crushing the spine”
“The process of debating the economic merit of professional wrestling… while naked”
“Poking a verb with a stick until it attacks, killing you and your entire family”
“The process of turning any word with more than 28 letters into a verb”
“… also, ‘refrigeration’ as pronounced by a speaker of a tonal language”
“Lindsay is a lush.”

That last one is not entirely in the spirit of the game… anyway, depending on which version of the game, you would vote for whichever definition you believed was real, or whichever you thought I wrote. The first one is real, by the way. Mine is “crushing the spine”.

Alright, where were we? Ah, immune system troubles. You see, after the party broke up at 3:00, a splinter faction formed, and we continued the party elsewhere, mainly by playing spades and euchre. Insane? perhaps. At any rate, we continued until everyone decided to go to breakfast. At which point we had breakfast, and then tried to watch a movie (The Emperor’s New Groove). Alas, within 30 minutes, everyone was asleep, and we woke up in time to see the end credits. Official end of party: 11:00 AM. Woot. Alas, my digestive system went to hell shortly afterward, beginning with the inability to eat lunch and culminating in the aforementioned vomiting 12 hours later. But it was a good party. And also clearly not a boring week.

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