Monday, March 21, 2005

So I'm home, and what a long crazy quarter it has been. For one, most of you probably think it's crazy that I had a quarter instead of a semester, but that's only where it begins.

Analogy of the day:
You know in Star Wars, when they go after the Death Star, there's the one guy who gets to make the shot first? And it's pretty impressive, given the situation, that he's gotten to that point and survived going up against the Death Star all the way down the trench to where the exhaust port is. He's clearly a damn good pilot, right? And so he gets to make the shot first, and there's a kaboom, but it doesn't quite work. It just "impacted on the surface." So it doesn't really count, and Luke has to come along to save the day, because he's the protagonist. You know that guy?

I'm totally that guy.

Now, for some this would be depressing, but they're missing one overarching truth:

They're going to build another Death Star. Of course, then the question becomes, "Are you Billy Dee Williams?" And I think we all know the answer to that question. And even if that is not the case, they'll probably build at least one more after that. The Empire had a real fixation with Death Stars. Compensating, I suspect.

Which means the point is...

I remain incontrovertibly geeky. Frankly, I can't believe this didn't occur to me sooner.

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