Thursday, December 13, 2007

I am unexpectedly cheerful at the moment. I had my own song stuck in my head for while. It was glorious. It's also absurdly simple to play, and gives the impression that I can sing (This is much safer to say than "I can sing," which is not something I have ever really confirmed).

So maybe I'll ba able to record that. I don't actually know whether this cheap computer mic will work for vocals, though it picks up the guitar decently enough (Can't do both at once unless I learn to sing a lot louder while staying in key).

Probably finish some poems over the break, too. I should really look into getting published.

I've spent the past few days working through the collected archives of American Elf, a diary comic by rock star/cartoonist James Kochalka. It's chock full of whimsy, and kind of adorable in a way I don't normally expect to appreciate (Cute is not typically my bag). This is a good one.

And you take to wing
And you take to stranger things
[wanders off humming]

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