Monday, November 14, 2005

Do yourself a favor and read all of them. I laughed out loud at least five times.

Top 30 Chuck Norris Facts


Alex said... it looks like Chuck Norris is guarding our blog.

Pat said...

Alex, whatever image you linked had the mother of all anti-remote-linking images as it's replacement. you really don't want to know. So...upload it somewhere instead. Cause that was scary.

Pat said...

However, the Chuck Norris facts do blow my mind with their hilarity.

Alex said...

what!? anti-remote-linking!?

I don't even know what that means, but it sounds hilarious. Still, it was visible last night.

Pat said...

Well, certain sites perefer you not take up their bandwidth by linking to images they have. To deter this, some of them set it up so that instead of the linked image, a different image is seen. Maybe you could seen the image because you had already seen it in in it's original location.

In any case, the picture that I saw combined gay porn, nazi-ism, and bestiality in startling ways, along with the phrase "DON'T REMOTE LINK" in large letters.

Alex said...
