Saturday, October 29, 2005

Oh, how it goes. Madness, madness, a travesty, and more madness.

So, here at the Shady Dealer, we are looking at a nice long fight with City Hall over us being recognized by the school, possibly because the SG president has it in for us and picked the committee, and also because the people picked happen to be humorless fucks.

And when I say this has been one gigantic travesty of a clusterfuck, I want you to know that I’m the level-headed editor. Zach hasn’t knifed anybody, which is a little surprising. So, we may or may not be meeting with the committee to see if we can negotiate a reasonable compromise (i.e. censorship system). That depends on how the writers feel at our staff meeting this week.

Let’s hear it for alternate funding possibilities.

Otherwise, well, White Sox mania has been sweeping campus, what with being on the South Side and all. And I just can’t bring myself to root against the ornery bastards. Very impressive, South-siders. Which reminds me, given that the opposition was the Astros:

I would feel about twelve times safer messing with Texas than messing with the South Side of Chicago. I’m just putting that out there.

And tonight, I almost went to a concert, and then I almost went swing-dancing, but instead I ate some delicious Pizzeria Due pizza with the Woodward peeps. And delicious though it was, spending four hours getting dinner does tend to take up most of one’s evening. Of course, then there was a great deal of random hanging out upstairs, which was also fun. So I’ve got no complaints.

And in other news, Sulu is gay.

In more hilarious news, they’ve indicted “Scooter” Libby. haha. “Scooter”. Skeeewter.


Anonymous said...

I vote for money laundering.

Anonymous said...

SG and CORSO are a bunch of bastards. X0 Viva la Shady Dealer!