Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ah, August. Well, a bit of a letdown so far, but I imagine it will pick up in week or two. It’s really a very promising month. Though July, as the song goes, was very strange.

Alright, so I promised apocalyptic destruction. You’ll have to settle for weird. But it’s really outstandingly bizarre. So, right, I explained the bit with Megan, which was completely unexpected, and would have made it a crazy month to begin with. However, the weird-shit-o-meter kicked up to 11 shortly thereafter, as, after much surreptitious facebook editing and behavior that was fishier than an offshore fishmarket run by legitimate Italian businessmen, Kate (yes, Kate my ex) began dating Zach (yes, Zach my roommate). Although it is technically true that this all began with Zach being very drunk, they seem to have risen above that (not that Zach is not, as I speak, very drunk, as that is entirely possible). And I’d like to say that I saw this coming, and I did, although for a time it was merely a strange unshakeable pit of terror and unease in my stomach. But I wish them well. And for the most part I am even convinced that they will not, somehow, kill us all.

It’s not that this greatly bothers me. It’s just one of the more bizarre coincidences I’ve ever witnessed, and one of the few where it seems plausible that a higher power is fully intent on screwing with my head. And so, for reasons too numerous and too obvious to list here, I feel I have a certain right to give them good-natured shit about this.

On an entirely separate subject, I will occasionally risk my own sanity for the sake of innuendo. Moving on…

Ah, yes, before I close the book on July, I must admit that there is one other event that defies probability. One fine Wednesday evening, I saw Murderball with folks. Murderball, I must say, is probably the first movie to make being confined to a wheelchair totally frickin' sweet. Wheelchair rugby is a crazy sport, with colorful character and Mad Max machinery. Go see Murderball if you can. God damn filthy Canucks…

And so, upon returning to Maciej’s car, it was discovered that the right rear door was open – wide open, not just unlocked. This was, in fact, the very door through which I exited the vehicle. Yes, I am that stupid. I left the car door open. However, nothing was stolen, most likely because a car with the door wide open is highly suspicious, and most likely a cunning trap. I fear this incident will never be forgotten, especially now that I have committed it to the internet.

So yeah… July was a little weird, a lot of fun. Bring it on, August.


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