Monday, May 09, 2005

Sometimes things are weird. Sometimes they get weirder. Sometimes things get mind-blowingly weirder. Occasionally, things don’t actually get weirder per se, but they get weird off in perpendicular new ways which, while they don’t particularly affect the situation, make the whole structure that much more impressive. I made a flowchart. It’s kind of scary…

But that doesn’t matter, because we won ScavHunt. For lo, we are Team Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds. So, technically, we tied with Snell-Hitchcock for 1st, but that’s not important. We won, damn it, and produced some of the most brilliant, inspired lunacy I have ever witnessed:

-The penis is evil. Walt Whitman is Zardoz.
-A nativity scene for the golden calf on the roof of the business school.
-President Randel, randaling for you.
-A hat which holds two can of your beverage, an entire bag of tortilla chips, and dip.
-A guitar-sword. And a man with a guitar-sword, jumping off a building while screaming “ROCK AND ROLL!” There was also a fog machine and a strobe light. Dave Valley is Guitar Wolf.
-200 water balloons used in 30 seconds.
-A 2004 electoral foosball table.
-The super bowl shuffle, now with more cowbell.
-A man in drag with a mullet.
-A sit’n’spin with a pole dancer.
-A working calliope, made from an old TV, eight recorders, and a hell of a lot of tubing.
-Pennies with our logo on them
-Archie Meets the Punisher
-Some really moving stationery
-A potato cannon destroying itself
-A trebuchet
-Did I mention that the guitar-sword was fucking awesome? Because it was beautiful. It was a fucking guitar-katana, actually. Sliced clean through a UFO.

Woot. Ah well, back to the ordinary humdrum insanity of my normal life.

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