Monday, May 16, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a staff. The first general meeting of The Chicago Shady Dealer occurred today at 7:30 PM. There were at least 20 people. We have a staff, and an extremely enthusiastic staff, at that. The general mood among the editors is ecstasy mixed with a shocked disbelief that we are actually getting away with this. We’re founding a publication. Much of the credit for this goes to Zach, who doggedly went about establishing the organizational groundwork for all this, and is rightly our Editor-in-Chief. The first issue of The Chicago Shady Dealer comes out the week after next, and as layout editor, I shall rapidly be figuring out what I can do with Microsoft Word and Publisher, as well as writing an article in honor of our faculty sponsor, “Foolish Professor Stakes Reputation on Upstart Publication, Doomed to Disappointment.”

Sweet Zombie Jesus, we’re founding a publication. When we get this printed, we are having a hell of a party.

And before that, there was a baseball game. Orioles 6, Sox 2, with the Sox carrying on the grand tradition of the home team losing whenever I attend a game, not that this was particularly bothersome for me as a Cubs fan. Zach became a Sox fan just to spite me, which is very much a Sox fan thing to do, I must say. Anyway, a good time was had by all, and it didn’t even rain on us.

My other project this weekend has been to introduce people to the miracle that is Firefly. Both Zach and Megan are now thoroughly hooked, having been shown about half a season, and several other folks have been introduced to the first few episodes. I love space westerns. And the writing is spectacular. And the characters are just insanely great. The badassossity of Mal, The crazy mercenary-ness of Jayne (and the hat! and Vera!), and especially Wash, who has to be seen to be explained.

“Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”
“The legs, definitely the legs… Have you ever been with a warrior woman?”

So, anyway, Firefly is a thing of raw joy, which I can quote at length if need be. And we’re founding a publication, which is going to be amazing, because people are actually going to write things for us, and these things are already awesome.

“Facebook Founder Discovered to Have no Friends, Face”

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