Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I don’t think I’ve ever been called “good with emotions” before. More proof that I am at my best when I have absolutely no clue what I am doing. Ah well.

So, on the upside, I think it can be safely said that I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing.

And I’ve got this damnable streak of optimism that I keep thinking is going to get me killed sooner or later. Really, some days that’s all there is to it. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s the weather and the fact that I didn’t wear shoes all day (well, only to Bartlett, but that’s because it’s required). Maybe it’s because we won ScavHunt and the Max P scav team is such an awesome group to hang out with, which I did at dinner after another valiant effort to clean up our former headquarters and get housing to give back our deposit. Also, for the sake of future ScavHunts, I shall be storing a wall-hung toilet over the summer. It’s funny how these things happen.

So back to the lack of shoes…

Because the weather finally seems up to it, and because I’ve been wanting to all year, and because I am at heart a dirty hippy, I have declared this week to be no-shoes week. Also, there shall not be socks, which will also save on laundry. Initial results suggest I will have to wash my feet regularly to avoid becoming an actual dirty hippy. But it’s perfectly feasible to go unshod on the quad, as it were, although it would be more fun if the grass weren’t so dead at the moment.

Maybe at some point we can examine the existential dilemma between my inherent optimistic streak and the number of things I suspect will kill me…


Alex said...

you know...I don't think it counts as optimism if you are sure it will destroy you.

Pat said...

Well, I'm not sure it will destroy me. I just have an inkling. And historical precedent seems to favor the inkling of late. Yet I remain optimistic in the face of historical precedent which suggests, on the face of things, that I am most assuredly doomed.

So it's optimism accompanied by a sort of subtle, nagging terror...