Friday, November 16, 2007

It's a hapax legomenon prefix phenomenon!
Occasionally I stay up too late and read the blogs of interesting people (also I have homework). Today I began debating whether or not I should ascribe to these things a word more lofty than blog, which in it's etymology implies something terse and non-fictional. Web-literature = Weberature? Being myself, I am concerned that the eymology here is flawed. "Telature" from the Latin tela for "web, weaving", although this I think could could refer to something else. Web literature is still literature, after all...

I've got it. Weblog = blog --> Webliterature = blit

Next question: the plural: "I've been reading the blit." vs. "I've been reading the blits."
Follow-up: the British plural: "I've been reading the blits about maths."

PS. Cursory web searching reveals "telature" appears to be an incredibly rare word for the art of weaving. Given it's scarcity, I'm going to start using whenever I feel the art of web design need to be treated with high pretension.

PPS. Hypothesis: Web design, as an artistic field, is most similar to architecture, in that human navigation of a space must be considered.

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