Friday, July 08, 2005

Shoot. Took my cell phone out of my pocket and forgot it was on vibrate only. So I guess I'll catch up with folks later. Sorry everybody. Ah, minor details that screw you over. Anyway...

Everything that Alex said was true. How could you resist a movie that has love, war, magic, and comedy? Although the castle is strikingly similar in style to the works of Monty Python, most of the rest of the movie isn't. But it's still good.

So, fascinating day. Two semi-plans, then no plans, then one plan, then no plans, then potential plans, and then that bit with the phone. Anyway, I'm going to start bloggin legimtiately again soon rahter that whining about how technology is betraying me, really I am. In the meanwhile, you probably weren't expecting this:

Stuck in my head for no apparent reason:
"You Can Get It If You Really Want"

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