Friday, September 17, 2004

College tomorrow. Orientation and whatnot. Wish me luck people. I hear great things about this "college" stuff. I suspect it will be cool.

Well, There I was, on the twenty-ninth, ready to start blogging about Maciej's departure, and how truly, summer was over, and how the dramatically-appropriate rain started falling just as we said goodbye to him. Unfortunately, by the time I got home, the dramatically-appropriate rain had intensified to a thunderstorm, and soon after I got home, knocked out my power.

And then the next day I was going with my mother to Michigan on the sudden news that my grandfather (mom's side) was dying. The good news is it was mostly painless for him: stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, and then a few days in a coma. And nearly everybody in the family got a chance to say goodbye, either in the hospital or at the wake or funeral. I saw a lot of cousins I haven't seen in a while, so that part was good. Anyway, I've made peace with things; I wasn't as close to him as some, but he was definitely a good guy, as clearly evidenced by the sentiments of my mom's large and somewhat wacky family.

And then, at the wake I learned that my dad was in the hospital, with pancreatitis. Fortunately not a life-threatening condition of any sort, but still requiring my dad to stay in the hospital for a few days for recovery and testing. And he's pretty much recovered at this point, but it was a rough week-and-half period there.

All this, of course, set college preparation back considerably. Finally finished getting everything together today, but alas, the nothing-better-to-do-tour was not to be. It's something I may try some weekend down the road. Anyway, y'all out there are awesome folks, and it been considerably more boring around here without you (at least, while I've been in this state).

Finally, I will note that this is not being posted from one of the greatest perks of going to college: my new computer. Thank you, discount rates for Unversity students! I have a 17" flat panel monitor which was the default option. Jesus, that is a lot of screen-estate. But it's not hooked up to the internet yet, so I'm posting from the old computer right next to it.

Finally finally, message boards are neat-o.

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