Thursday, September 30, 2004

Although I can't beat 10 gallons of mead, I CAN say that I've just returned from viewing the presidential debates. I must say that I found them quite silly with most of it becoming a "he-said she-said" type of exchange. However, I did think that Kerry came off as very clear on his opinions and he provided the better argument on most topics, citing facts and quotes. Bush, on the other hand, spoke in more general terms and did not seem as prepared to answer the questions thrown at him. He was searching for a direction throughout the speech and came off as quite arrogent. (Especially when they were doing the split screen view). When Bush spoke, Kerry was very attentive and jotted down notes. However, when Kerry spoke, Bush looked arrogent, his eyes wandered, and sometimes he even looked guilty. He tried to play the role of calm hot-shot who doesn't think that Kerry is a real threat and I believe that it failed for him.

Ohhh....and the Poland thing...good God. Poland got quite the beating in that debate.

Debates are stupid, but if someone made me pick a winner I would say it had to be Kerry by a large margain.

The most troubling thing was when the republican side was analyzing the debate afterwards, they continued to lie, blatently. They tried to make it seems like Kerry actually flip-flopped during the debate which is totally false. They have absolutely no qualms about just looking into the camera and saying things that Just Aren't TRUE! Apox on thee!

Then we watched the Daily Show afterwards and that made me feel better.

In other college news, I showed a group of people a couple of archived Albatross Hour shows and they thought it was great stuff. I've applied to get a radio show here, but it's kinda up in the air and no one could beat Pat as a co-host. And now, if we did the same style show, I would be the one who supplied the rants...and I am no match for Plange's ability to manipulate the English language to such a great extent. But the current co-host I have lined up (Jeff) would still make things pretty interesting.

Listening to the archives, I realized I fired Pat on air almost every episode. God knows why he kept showing up again and again.


Does anyone even read this blog anymore? Oh well.

Peace Out,
The Colonless Wonder

1 comment:

Marty said...

I read it! Long live the Albatross! if you please thank you