Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Well, this blog has gone neglected for quite sometime.

I now have a blog of my very own (ooo, shiny)

Some may ask why this is; 'it seems so sudden, I mean can't we talk about it, you aren't really going to walk out like this, I can change really?!?'

Well, long story short...I need a blog so that friends at Oberlin know what's going on with me this summer (I'm rarely on AIM in the summer) (although the Obie bloc been lobbying me to get one of those livejournal things, although quite honestly, between you and me, those things are a lot of upkeep. I just don't know if I'm high maintenance enough to go livejournal. Livejournal might be a little too personal for my tastes as well.... I ..I...just don't know if I'm ready to bare my soul on the internet.

Reasserting my identity as an individual person with ambitions, dreams, goals, emotions etc. all of my very own (again, shiny), one could say would be another reason for the gettage of own blogage, so to speak.

But I'll continue to post on this blog, especially with regard to issues, problems, concerns,etc. from the homefront.

In other news,
Rockapella kicks ass.

Good morning

1 comment:

Pat said...

You see? Behold the proprietary comment system!