Thursday, January 31, 2008

Maybe More Like a Fortnight

...Than a tenday.

-You haven't really lived until you've had cheap whiskey from a flask, while standing in a trash enclosure behind a Buddhist temple, in a snowstorm, while there's a service going on in the temple, with loud drums. I believe I almost converted on the way out.

-Despite the preceding statement, I turn out to be employable. I'm now doing Windows tech support for two of the local seminaries (out of four. No, I can't explain it.) through an outside company. Megan is my co-worker, and in fact recommended me for the job and did my training. My take on this is the phrase "Comedy Goldmine". Also, some advice: if you happen to have five servers, make sure that all of them restart after a power outage, especially the one that all the other need to function properly.

-Unfortunately, my major is still trying to kill me. At this stage, taking more than one CS class per quarter is becoming problematic, in that many of them assign a workload which does not really permit taking another serious class. Since I am in both Software Construction and Computer Graphics, death awaits me at every turn. On the other hand, I will be able to render a really sweet-looking 3D Scrabble board by the end of this (The project for Software Construction is producing a working multi-player, web-enabled Scrabble game).

-I am beginning to believe that one should either be totally aware of the consequences and plan accordingly, or be utterly incognizant and wing it for all one's worth. Situations with humans seem to be in the latter category, although there are mitigating factors.

-I seem to be falling for Joan Baez again, which is a shame as she's well out of my age range. Significantly younger women: if you believe you may be Joan Baez (or for that matter Joan Jett), you have my attention.

-I think there should be an investigation as to why "electrangle" is not currently a word.

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