Sunday, March 26, 2006

Neglect? Oh, right, neglect. Well, this is what happens when I’m either actually busy or have nothing to do. Blogging results from procrastination, which requires “sort of busy.” Also, I have fewer bizarre oblique observations on my emotional state. Which is probably good for me, but bad for the blog. Does that count as one? Anyway…

Spring break week has been eventful and highly recuperative. Have seen everybody who’s around at least once. And now I prepare for Season 2, Episode 3 of our long running series Pat Goes to College. Also, I hear there are fascinating developments in the next episode of Alex Goes to College. Which reminds me that everyone I’ve shown Undeclared to has loved it.

You know what’s a great musical combination? Irish punk. I saw The Tossers at the Metro just before break (St. Patrick’s Day, conveniently). And it was awesome. Also the first concert I’ve been to with attempted moshing. Our resident Mohawk-crested punk rocker Kelsey says that was sub-par, but I got knocked around fairly enthusiastically, so I was impressed. I was also impressed by the ridiculously long set they played, and by the amount of beer people were willing to hurl about. But there’s nothing quite like coming back from a concert at 2 AM, finding that your natural tone of voice is “Irish smoker” (I did a lot of shouting), and running into a friend who leads you to booze. Quite the night.

Opening band assessments:
The Saps: saps. Musically under-skilled (especially the drummer. Lots of monotonous thumping), kind of emo with the worst lyrics I’ve ever heard. There was a song about middle school. Although they did pull it together for two pretty catchy numbers in the middle, at least.

Westbound Train: Reggae/Ska/Soul band. They pull it off rather well. Lots of energy, lots of, er, soul. I don’t know what to say about them, but they were fun.

By far the most productive evening of this week was Sunday, which saw the production of a fabulous short film, which may or may not be called Demons! I leave such decisions up to esteemed director Martin Sweeney. I was just Key Grip. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how I’m going to pull this footage off of my camcorder, thanks to Sony’s quirky insistence on there being one and only one program to do so. Camcorders, much like demons, are MILDLY irritating. But I’ll have to figure out something, as Tim and Dave are great in their roles as Door-to-Door Demon and Confused College Student. Coming Soon to a website near you, hopefully.

And then:
-Someone stole a baby.
-Someone played mini-golf.
-“Unfortunately, your boat absorbs water.”

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