Saturday, July 10, 2004

I'm really not sure why Pat chooses to ignore the blog so much during the summer, so i guess I must update it yet again. I was hoping that he'd at least come up with a witty reply to my panda joke.

Anywho, surgery on the 6th and back home on the 10th...not too shabby if i do say so myself. Plus, I feel great not nearly as sore as the previous times (although I did just take like a four hour nap). But my theory about my mutant healing factor is only strengthend.

I have it under good authority that Kate smokes several brands wacky tobbacky at the same time and then goes about have phone conversations that don't really exist.

Movies I've seen recently (before I went into the hospital):

Harry Potter No.3: It took me long enough to get around to viewing it, but I enjoyed it anyway. However, I'm not sure if it was better than the first two. The new director seemed to take the style of the movie away from the strict plot following and into wierder areas.

Fahrenhiet 9/11: Hilarious and somewhat sad all at the same time. Great stuff for Bush-bashers or those looking to see how persuasive film-making is done.

Coffee and Cigarettes: Saw this one at the Music Box. It was fijorkin hilarious, in its own po-mo way. 11 short vignettes with different famous folks such as, Roberto Bengnini, Cate Blanchett, Iggy Pop, Jack and Meg White, Bill Murray, The Wu Tang Clan, Tom Waits, and the very funny Alfred Molina (among others). Highly recommended if you can get out to the N. Side before it leaves.

Spider-Man 2: This was a brilliant movie that can please Spidey lovers (like me) and normal movie-goers alike. Fred Molina also makes an appearence in this one as Doc Ock (small world, no?) All the charcters are great and it sets up well for the next film. Go see it.

I also saw the Cubs-Sox game on the 4th. That was great times. That was the fourth game I've been to this year and the energy was so high. It was almost as pumped as the playoff game I went to last year. Cubbies are awesome. If you do journey up to Wrigleyville this summer, try to find a copy of The Heckler, an free onion-style paper for Cubs fans. There was an article about it in the Sun-Times yesterday and I saw the Ronnie Woo Woo issue around on the 4th. Quality Stuff. a tribute to the D3 blog, I thought I'd share this little tidbit. One of my nurses ended every visit to my room with: "Holla"

1 comment:

C said...

Actually we figured out what happened on Friday, Alex. It's pretty funny; a perfectly logical explanation- Eric and I had Pat in stitches for a good three minutes on the El.

I think it's time you made up your mind though on what drug you think that I'm actually on. First it's crack, then it's several brands of whacky tobbacky. Make up your mind already (making up decisions when you're doing morphine and sniffing glue must be sehr schwierig for you.