Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Time hurries on, leaves that are green etc. I'm starting to get a hang of this quarter, now that it's sixth week. Hoo boy. I probably shouldn't think about the year being half over, especially since it's been hard to go more than a day at a time (two programming classes and a new job will do that). At least the job pays well.

Writing sporadic. Artistic portion of the brain swings between feverish bouts of inspiration and stretches of "I haven't written anything in a while, have I?".

I'm taking one class next quarter. One: Game Construction. But first I have to get through the next 6 weeks while also managing to have fun and stay active socially. I really just want to relax and then pursue my own prjects of awesomeness at about 70% of this pace.

More Intersting, Less Whining
-I put my shiny glowing balls in a spotlight. Yes, really. That's the magic of Computer Graphics. We had to program a box full of bouncing balls. They had specular highlights, and I gave them inner light.

-The custom of going drinking immediately after turning in the Computer Graphics project is an excellent custom. Note: do not order pizza from the University Pub. However, ordering Cholie's through the (nigh-legendary) "Chole Hole" at The Falcon is encouraged.

-I went to the Cove (Hyde Park's Other Dive Bar (TM)) last week with Zach and Boz. Nice place, but they do check ID.

-Moment of excellence:
Zach: "Hey guys! Watch me kick this chunk of ice and nothing bad will happen!" *SPLAT*
Pat: "You forgot to set your plant foot. Way to go, Lawrence Tynes"

-Go Giants! I saw only the first 57 minutes of the Super Bowl due to a very poorly timed work shift. I caught up online, however. Eli Manning, significantly more unstoppable than usual. Really, the city of Boston was going to be insufferable for quite a while if the Pats went 19-0. Glad they put an end to that. And it was a pretty awesome game.

-Reading my brother's Facebook notes leads me to believe I should try to explain more of my philosophical underpinnings in entertaining fashion. Also that I should make more puns about apes.

-My gold shirt has made an appearance on stage. The character who wore it was named "Fluff". The play was "All in the Timing" by David Ives. Tragically, I was denied the honor of "Special Thanks" in a UT program. I am crushed.

-It is occasionally flattering to be hit on by a dude, but ultimately not terribly useful.