I’ve left y’all hanging for far too long. I really ought to blog in more manageable chunks.
Right. Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Lord help me, I cannot yet be bitter.
Well, life is strange over here -- fun, but strange.
Clearly the people of Ohio do not eat, at least not publicly. There is literally nothing between the cities of Toledo and Cleveland, and very little near those. But there is fog. Sweet Jesus the fog. I for one had no idea that Ohio had ridiculously dense fog. Also, it should be noted that Cleveland is the only real urban center I've been in besides Chicago... so... meh. Been to plenty of states, but it happens not the cities within them.
At any rate, I was in Cleveland over last weekend for a College Bowl tournament, which was fun. We of the lowly Chicago E team managed 4th of 7 teams in our division. Chicago A (including the legendary Pericles) won the important division, and received... a small plastic trophy. But the pride is what's important.
And this weekend has been fabulous. Friday, I saw the One-Man Star Wars Trilogy, which is brilliant, despite involving paying a man to be a total geek for one hour – The compression is remarkable.
“You have a sister”
“Well, she is the only woman in the movie.”
And Sunday, in the midst of a slew of women’s reproductive related events on Valentine’s Day weekend (There are vagina cookies available), we had the incomparable Mitch Hedberg. And he was brilliant, in all his stoneresque non sequiturity.
“I was trying to walk into a Target and missed.” Of course, it’s all in the delivery with Mitch.
But that's not what's strange. Strangeness is being conduced by the miracle of romantic relationships. In case anyone missed it, Kate and I are friends now, which is to say, it is no longer proper for me to refer to her as "the Girl" in a capitalized sense. She is still beautiful, but I digress. And that's going well, I suppose. No stranger than could be expected.
But there are some days you just think, “Man, I totally dig clarity,” and those are the days when clarity will have nothing to do with you. The short of it is I’ve met a lovely girl who is getting more attractive by the day, who is associated with a whole host of ominous occurrences. Before this had even developed she was dubbed “anti-Kate”, for the sake of several weird parallels and contrasts. Alas, she seems to be of the nervous and hard-to-read type. Technically we were dating for a two day period. So… hope springs eternal.
I may yet go insane.
And the Postal Service is going to own my soul. “Such Great Heights” and now I’ve also discovered “We Will Become Silhouettes”.
“And that’s when we’ll explode…
And it won’t a pretty sight.”